A Prayer for Single Women

As I work on writing a book for single women, God has continued to affirm my passion and calling for encouraging unmarried women in their faith journeys. This is a prayer I wrote during a recent silent retreat . . .

Dear Father God,

Prayer for a single woman

Prayer Labyrinth
Sacred Heart Monastery
Cullman, Alabama

I lift up my dear reader to you. I pray for her heart to be at peace. I pray you will mend any broken pieces of her heart. We know you are close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). You are our Healer. You forgive all our sins and heal our diseases (Psalm 103:3). Thank you for pouring out your love and compassion on us (Psalm 103:4).

Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus for any remaining ties to unhealthy relationships—both physical and emotional—to be broken. I pray for peace and closure to surround any hurtful relationships from her past. Meet her in her loneliness, and hold her in your arms. She is your beautiful daughter, a co-heir with Christ (Romans 8:17). I pray she will feel your arms holding her tonight and every lonely night.

I pray for hope to be deeply instilled in my friend’s heart. As Psalm 33:20 says, “We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.” We wait for you, Lord. We put ourselves and our futures in your hands. We believe you will do a powerful work with and through our lives. We submit our plans to you. Line up our plans with your plans. God, your plans are greater and your ways higher.

I pray for this dear woman to be present in each moment. As Oswald Chambers said, “Our yesterdays present irreparable things to us; it is true that we have lost opportunities which will never return, but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on the bosom of Christ.” Lord, I pray she can let her past rest with you tonight and every night. I pray she can leave the past in your hands and step out into her amazing future with you!

Prayer for a single woman

Sacred Heart Monastery
Cullman, Alabama

Finally, dear Father, I pray she will not believe lies. As she is attacked by lies regarding her worth, single status, appearance, and any other area, I pray she will seek truth. The truth is clear. She is your daughter, chosen by you. You created her in your image, and you don’t make mistakes. Standing alone with nothing to offer, she is enough for you. Each day, may she remember and realize her tremendous value as your child.

In the holy name of Jesus,

If God brings an unmarried friend in your life to your mind, will you pray this for her today?

Content and Photographs Copyright 2012. Allison @ Anointed With Grace.


Filed under Faith, God, Singleness, Who is God?, Writing

15 responses to “A Prayer for Single Women

  1. Judy Gordon Morrow

    Beautiful, dear Allison! This prayer should go viral, so many single women would be encouraged. Plus, I’d love for it to remind others to pray for their single friends and loved ones. (I’m glad you included that last line for them.) By the way, Psalm 33:20 is underlined and marked with numerous dates in my Bible. Thank you for your encouragement today. I can hardly wait for your book to be out there to benefit many!

    • Judy, thank you for your kind and encouraging words! I’m praying this prayer today for so many God keeps bringing to my mind. Lots of love to you — so glad you’re in my life!

  2. Great prayer, Allison, so many need to hear and pray it. Keep working on that book! 🙂

  3. Becky

    I stumbled upon this blog searching for my favorite Oswald Chambers quote, and I cannot believe the timing. I hate sounding over spiritual, but I do think God helped me find this tonight. Tonight I saw God close another door , and found myself mourning my past and questioning my self worth. Reading this was like a balm. Thank you so much for your gentle call to hope and trust.

  4. nany

    Thank you for sharing this. As i woke up today i felt very much alone with no clear goal and aim in life. I am 27 and by the standards where i am coming from very successful in terms of education and career…the only but is that i’m still very single and no clear plan in sight. I decided to google prayer for single women and this came up. I have prayed this prayer as sincerely as i can and God knows how it reflects my life. So many past mistakes that i can’t seem to shake off and the feeling i’m about to commit it once again. God help me…

  5. George

    HI. I’m George. I as a single guy want all the single women on this site to know that I am praying for them to find the right partner. Don’t be frustrated and never stop asking God for assistance.

  6. runninggirl

    Thanks…it’s finally have a prayer out there for the single people! Often times, I think that people forget about us. I really needed this.

    • runninggirl

      Comment was cut off…It’s finally nice to have a prayer…

      • George

        lets pray together at a certain time of the day for all the single women out there maybe we can all connect and have an audio feed so the women out there don’t feel so isolated your thoughts?

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  9. Peggy Deroche

    What a beautiful prayer. My daughter does the 60 days of prayers for her children and I love it. Sitting in my chair I was wondering if there was a prayer for single woman. To my surprise and blessing here you are. I was married and now divorced for 25 years. Many times, I have felt so alone and requested friends to pray. It’s easy to forget the needs and heart of us alone. This is without a dought, the most encouraging and beautifl love prayers for singles I come across. God bless you and all who lift up the single ladies in prayer. I love you most dearly for lifting us up before our heavenly Father and Lord.

    • Peggy, I understand your feelings of loneliness and your struggle. Know that you’re loved and valuable and that I’m praying for you! My new book for single women just released today and this same prayer is printed in the back. I would love for you to enter to win a copy! Just leave a comment on my most recent blog post for a chance to win: http://wp.me/puG3m-Hy. Blessings!

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